Favorite Kids Book

Say Hola to Spanish
by Susan Middleton Elya
A wonderful introduction to Spanish through short rhymes mixing English and Spanish words. You can start this book as early as age 2. Phrases like “hola says hello” are easy for the children to pick up and they delight in the creative photos!

The Mitten
by Yaroslava
The fact that this has been in print since 1964 is just begins to tell how great this is! The wonderful story is about a boy who looses his mitten and the animals who crawl in. The drawings/artwork alternate from color pages to icy greenish ones! Easy to read aloud with very cute drawings! This book has a wide age range – start at age 2 up to 9, thus you want the hardcover! (We have ours from 1964!)

One Fine Day
By Nonny Hogrogian
Fond of stories about foxes? This is a favorite about a fox who does not ask and drinks a woman’s milk. She proceeds to cut off his tail and he must take steps to get it back. This is a repetition book in the sense that the words “got the jug, to fetch some water,to feed the grass, etc.” repeat as you go through the story helping with the childs expectations and memory. Drawings are also very unique.

Hattie and The Fox
by Mem Fox
Another of our favorite fox books. Here Hattie sees the fox coming and warns the rest of the barnyard who do not listen. A repetition book helping with the childs expectations and memory. Drawings are also very unique.

The Tortise and the Hare
by Janet Stevens
We looked a long time for a book to introduce fables and this is it. The story is kept classic and the drawings are outstanding!

The Story about Ping
By Marjorie Flack
Great story about a little yellow duck who learns it is better to be late – and take his punishment – better to be with family than to be alone. We also liked it to introduce foreign places such as the Yangtze River to children.